Posts Tagged ‘Jerry Zeniuk’

Color Paintings in Glass

Tuesday, January 12th, 2021

For the profaned church of St. Georg in Hebertshausen near Munich, bright and powerful color paintings were created in the workshops of Gustav van Treeck based on the idea and concept of contemporary artist Jerry Zeniuk.    

It is the first project that the color painter realized with glass. Color harmonies, spatial effects, light influences and the historical church interior were the key factors behind the design and the development of the windows.  

The long and carefully selected flashed glasses in different color spaces were according to the artist’s instructions processed by the glass painters by using etching technology. This created harmonious shapes in different color nuances in the window fields. The artist windows were inaugurated in October 2020.

For a larger view please click on one of these images. An interactive slide show will open.


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