

Download of catalogues, brochures and art postcards

GUSTAV VAN TREECK – Company Catalogue 2017 (7,5 MB)
The new catalogue of the Studios Gustav van Treeck tells the story of the glass and mosaic manufactory, shows the range of our projects and offers an insight into the technical possibilities.

Modern art at architecture (german) (1,77 MB)
A competent partner for modern art: The catalogue shows the possibilities of glass and mosaics in and at architecture. Be inspired…

Christmas Card  2010  (1,88 MB)
The christmas card’s motive is one of the new art windows in St. Barbara, Munich – created by the artist Eva-Raiser Johanson, produced in our studios. Photographer: Siegfried Wameser

Flyer Gustav van Treeck – studios for architectural art and mosaic (german) (1,84 MB)
A short overview on our offers and the techniques of glass painting and glass design.

Art Catalogue “Das farbige Licht” (german) (1,1 MB)
The artists Irma Petraityte-Luksiene, Heidi Bayer-Wech and Anatoly Shyshchuk showed their most recent works, created in our studios at the exhibition “Das farbige Licht”.

Restoration of the Theatre, spa hotel, Göggingen (german) (685 KB)
In 1996, after six years of restoration, the theatre of the spa hotel in Göggingen was reopened. The Gustav van Treeck studios were part of the restoration and reconstruction of the windows in Wilhelminian style as well as the mosaic and terrazzo floors.

Download of press releases

Photography and glass – a striking symbiosis (122 KB)
November 22th, 2012 –  Until Januar 31st, 2013 London based photographic artist G. Roland Biermann will be showing new photographs on glass.  These works from Biermann’s snow+concrete series have been produced at the workshops earlier this year.

Press Release Robert M. Weber At the Gustav van Treeck Studios (german) (56 KB)
April 14th, 2010 – The „Bayerische Hofglasmalerei“ invites to a multimedia exhibition from May 8th to May 30th, 2010 at Schwindstraße 3.